U N C M a r k e t s

Obligations commerciales

Dive into the world of bond trading for diversified investment opportunities.

Obligations commerciales

Competitive Bond Market Prices

Trade Bond Pairs

You can conquer the world by trading the most sought-after and vibrant fixed income securities from the United States, the UK, Europe, and Japan.

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UNC Markets – Trade Bonds

No interest is debited or credited on these Bonds CFDs, mirroring the underlying Futures markets they derive from. This simplifies trading concerns to solely focus on bond prices and directional trading decisions. UNC Markets offers Bond CFDs based on government-issued debt securities from highly rated entities such as the governments of the United States, Japan, and Europe. Bonds enable traders to speculate on interest rates and market sentiment, aiding in portfolio diversification and risk management, particularly during periods of economic instability or uncertainty.

Graphique du commerce des crypto-monnaies

How does Bonds trading work?

Bonds constitute a segment of the fixed income asset category. They provide bondholders with regular fixed coupon payments and can be traded in secondary markets. Governments issue bonds to fund various projects like public infrastructure development. Traders typically engage in bond trading based on their forecasts of future interest rates. In the event of a central bank raising interest rates, bond prices tend to decrease, leading to higher yields.


SymboleDescriptionEffet de levierÉchangerNiveau d'arrêtHeures de négociation
BundBund vs United Stated DollarJusqu'à 1:300Variableà partir de 15%lundi à vendredi
UK 10Y GiltUK 10Y Gilt vs United Stated DollarJusqu'à 1:300Variableà partir de 15%lundi à vendredi
US 10Y T-NoteUS 10Y T-Note vs United Stated DollarJusqu'à 1:300Variableà partir de 15%lundi à vendredi

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